Wednesday, April 20, 2011


The army lives by many acronyms. DFAC = Place where you eat, PX = Place where you shop, PMCS = Making sure your vehicle is operational. And so on. But one of the acronyms I learned and have tried to maintain for the past 9 years is LDRSHIP.

Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage.

I want to talk about the workplace. My workplace in fact. I work at a group home for troubled youth. Kids who have issues with their families,
with school,

with just being a kid and don't have the appropriate coping skills to deal with everyday issues.
As a staff member in this group home, I try my very best to do what is right for these kids. To help them learn how to deal with hardship and to overcome personal issues.

As for other staff...please leave your drama at the door. Your focus should be on these kids and not your personal life. This job may just be a paycheck for you but this is THEIR lives you are dealing with. What good are you to these kids when you can't even be a positive role model?

All I am really trying to say is, if you have a job that involves the wellbeing of others, take it seriously. Take responsibility. Do your duty!

Thankfully I am not the only staff person that feels this way but there are a few that are selfish and self centered. I hope these kids are not negatively affected by this any more than they already have. They already have enough on their plates as it is.

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